Re: [LAU] WaveField Synthesis from the Linux commandline

From: Jeanette C. <julien@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Jan 25 2018 - 18:27:53 EET

Jan 25 2018, David Runge has written:

> Hi Jeanette,
Hi David,
> There is the SSR [1].
I've seen and installed it, but not yet gotten it to work, since it
appears everything is layed out for 44.1kHz. I suppose I can resample
the supplied .wav files for the different scenarios.
> If you're interested, I can send you my thesis, where the interface is
> documented.
Yes, I am interested. If you'd be happy to wait a while for some
feedback. :)
Best wishes,


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Received on Thu Jan 25 20:15:04 2018

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