> I haven't checked for recently available devices, but in the not too
> distant past it was very expensive to get more than 8 usable bits from a
> device running at multiple hundreds MHz sample rate (not to mention the
> extra load in the math and processing such as filtering, FFT, difference
> calculations, etc. resulting from more bits)
Maybe not multiple of hundreds of MHz, but for USB/PC based solutions,
those are probably starting with the Analog Discovery 2 (14 Bits, hardly
any sample memory, 30MHz@100MS) for just under 300 Euro. Though 30MHz at
100 MS is really, really optimistic. 10MHz is probably more real, but
for audio still more than sufficient.
Going on with the likely slightly more professional Picoscope 4000
series (12-16Bit) from around 700 Euro up.
For the analog discovery there are some audio measurement related videos
(including limits) on youtube from a guy called tomtektest. And, not
seen yet, from elpaso tubeamps.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Jun 18 21:50:14 2018
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