[LAU] midi sub-devices in OSS emulation

From: Brent Busby <brent@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Apr 09 2018 - 16:22:30 EEST

I've been trying to get DOS midi applications to talk to hardware in
dosemu, and since I normally use native Alsa for everything, I'm not
that familiar with midi through the OSS emulation.

My USB midi interface has three subdevices (in/out pairs) which show up
in Alsa separately, but I have only one /dev/midi3 (the one that maps to
my device), and one /dev/snd/midiC3D0. Is there a way to access
individual subdevices through the OSS emulation?

- Brent Busby	+ ===============================================
		+ "The introduction of a new kind of music must
-- Studio    --	+  be shunned as imperiling the whole state, for
-- Amadeus/  --	+  styles of music are never disturbed without
-- Keycorner --	+  without affecting the most important political
-- Recording --	+  institutions."    --Plato, "Republic"
----------------+ ===============================================
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