Re: [LAU] reducing xruns (System configuration)

From: Chris Caudle <chris@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Jul 18 2018 - 22:57:32 EEST

On Wed, July 18, 2018 2:28 pm, Max wrote:
> 64 buffer size at 48kHz 2 Periods/Buffer

That is low for USB devices. Not all USB devices can run reliably at that
low latency (around 1.3ms).
First try 3 periods/buffer, because of quirks regarding how buffers get
split into USB packets that can sometimes work more reliably.
Doubling the buffer size is still only around 2.7 ms, that is usually low

Regarding the WiFi driver problem, I have never seen any documentation
that suggests someone has fully debugged the cause, but it seems to be
some drivers searching for wireless networks in interrupt context, or
something similar which disrupts the scheduler. I am not sure if that
still causes a problem with a fully RT patched kernel or not.

Chris Caudle
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Jul 19 00:15:09 2018

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