Re: [LAU] Advice: solution to hookk up several USB-MIDI devices

From: Ralf Mardorf <>
Date: Thu Jul 26 2018 - 18:07:50 EEST

On Thu, 26 Jul 2018 16:06:26 +0200 (CEST), Jeanette C. wrote:
>Due to technical restrictions MIDI-chaining is no option.

You don't need to chain by MIDI thru from one to the other synth, you
could use a MIDI thru box, perhaps a friend could build one for you,
since it's not hard to do. If you aren't in a hurry, I should still
have a circuit diagram and a PCB layout, but I'm not willing to search
during the summer holidays.

There is just one exception, when a MIDI thru box isn't a good
solution. The latency of a single in to x thru doesn't matter at all,
but if a synth should receive a lot of data in real-time, pitch bend or
sysex (yes, it's not real-time data, but sysex often could be used in
real-time), this particular synth should get it's input from it's own
computer MIDI output. In my experiences one MIDI out should only be
used for a max. of 8 MIDI channels (better less), even, if just a few
events are transmitted, so I wouldn't build a MIDI thru box with more
than 4 outputs. IOW better connect several MIDI thru boxes to several
MIDI outputs of the computer.
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Received on Thu Jul 26 20:15:04 2018

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