Re: [LAU] M-Audio Fast Track Pro: unreliable, distorted recording

From: Ralf Mardorf <>
Date: Sat Aug 04 2018 - 19:16:46 EEST

On Sat, 2018-08-04 at 14:18 +0000, Dale Powell wrote:
> Some people like reading manuals, other people like watching videos.
> The same learning processes do not work for all of us! Just because
> this is a red flag to you doesn't mean anything in the larger scale of
> things!


you completely misunderstood my point. I tried to point out that a lot
of very cheap devices, that provide professional garde audio quality,
often suffer from a very bad designed user interface. I don't claim that
the device mentioned here is such a device, I only tried to provide a
hint, of what the OP should take care. Why is this such a problem?

Who needs a manual or a video tutorial for a mixer? This device is a
mixer, just the user interface is not made of real faders and knobs, the
user interface is a touch screen. Hopefully you now understand my

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Received on Sat Aug 4 20:15:02 2018

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