Re: [LAU] M-Audio Fast Track Pro: unreliable, distorted recording

From: Ralf Mardorf <>
Date: Sat Aug 04 2018 - 23:45:30 EEST

On Sat, 4 Aug 2018 15:03:25 +0200, Felix Homann wrote:
>Ralf Mardorf schrieb am Sa., 4. Aug. 2018 um 07:13 Uhr:
>> I can't comment on the mentioned device, however, a 'be aware'
>> warning, that a brief look into the manual isn't enough, doesn't
>> sound promising.
>So why did you comment anyway? And why do you indicate that you'd
>expect the device in question as ending as a dust catcher - without
>any knowledge of the device, just based on the friendly advice that it
>is more complex than an audio interface. Why do you do this?

I guess we clarified this, so here's the résumé. We do not need to know
everything, but still could be careful.

If we can not or do not want to spend much money for gear, but expect
high sound quality, we should consider that it is possible that

- there could be reliability/durability issues
- there could be maintenance issues How long does it e.g. take to open
  and close the case, just to replace a capacitor?
- the user interface could be that bad, that using the device by a
  reasonable work-flow is more or less impossible
(- worker conditions) [1]

[1] I put it in parentheses, since worker conditions of those making
expensive gear are not necessarily good, worker conditions of those
making inexpensive gear are not necessarily bad.
A Mexican or Korean guitar for less money could be from way better
quality, than a guitar from a named brand produced in the USA, so if we
pay much more money, we still could get a less good instrument. To get
information regarding worker conditions, we often need a crystal ball.
Unfortunately bad worker conditions sometimes are better than being

On Sat, 2018-08-04 at 21:52 +0200, Felix Homann wrote:
> You can probably safely desist from any kind of apology. I can hardly
> take it seriously anymore now that you repeated your attacks and try
> to discredit my integrity and credibility even more directly with your
> last email.

Ok, anyway, my apologies. So we could stop it?
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Received on Sun Aug 5 00:15:02 2018

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