Yes you can browse to folder and play from VLC on Android, it's a bit clunky though. Personally I prefer Pulsar Player but I don't know if that will be useful for your use but at least it gives Folders as an option from the main menu and not only the sidebar....
From: Linux-audio-user <linux-audio-user-bounces@email-addr-hidden> on behalf of Christopher Obbard <chris@email-addr-hidden>
Sent: 06 September 2018 15:01
To: Jeanette C.
Cc: Linux-audio-users' mailinglist
Subject: Re: [LAU] [semi-OT] VLC for mobile question
I like Kodi player on android TV boxes, depending on decoder support of course!
On Thu, 6 Sep 2018 at 16:59, Jeanette C. <julien@email-addr-hidden<>> wrote:
Hey hey,
I know it's not specifically on Linux anymore, but does anyone know fi the VLC
for mobile player can play music based on folders rather than tags? I had a
look, but couldn't find anything on an idevice.
Alternatively: is there perhaps another soltuion for a portable player that
will be mounted on Linux and speak? I had a Rockbox enabled player for a
while, but it's dying and the players that are usable to me and support
Rockbox are a dying breed.
Best wishes and TIA,
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(Britney Spears)
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