Re: [LAU] This could affect all of us.

From: Ralf Mardorf <>
Date: Fri Sep 07 2018 - 20:21:58 EEST

On Fri, 7 Sep 2018 08:33:21 +0100, Will Godfrey wrote:


a lot of German computer freaks of my age started in the 80s or 90s as
youngsters doing discussable political and non-political things with
and without using computers, we grow up and became upright
citizen (also the name of a Ruhrgebiet punk band of that time ;). If
our politicians will do the wrong thing, they might experience that some
people won't buy a Porsche as a symptom of their delayed started
midlife crisis, instead some of us likely tend trying to feel younger by
using computers in a way they used computers when they were young.
A lot of people will not send them a few words, since the politicians
don't care at all. However, apart from all that alt-right crap folks,
also more thoughtful people consider more appropriate measures than
useless words.

Greetings from the Ruhrgebiet,

pacman -Q linux{,-rt{-pussytoes,-cornflower,,-securityink}}|cut -d\  -f2
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Received on Fri Sep 7 20:15:02 2018

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