Re: [LAU] Linux mint for audio?

From: Ralf Mardorf <>
Date: Sun Feb 17 2019 - 11:27:16 EET

On Sun, 17 Feb 2019 09:47:32 +0100, Hermann Meyer wrote:
>Am 17.02.19 um 09:15 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
>> On Sun, 2019-02-17 at 08:33 +0100, Hermann Meyer wrote:
>>> Am 17.02.19 um 08:29 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
>>>> IMO it's foolish to use Mint. What is the reason to prefer an
>>>> Ubuntu derivative over an official Ubuntu flavour?
>>> Following your stance one could say the same about Ubuntu, as
>>> Ubuntu is a debian derivative.
>> That is something completely different, since
>> 1. Ubuntu has a huge users base and provides quite good support,
>> e.g. by mailing lists. Mint doesn't.
>> 2. Take a look at the Debian tracker, for example
>> on the right side the Ubuntu link is available, Debian and Ubuntu do
>> cooperate. There is no direct cooperation with Mint.
>> 3. Ubuntu takes over responsibility, for example
>True is that a couple of debian maintainers been as well the
>maintainers of the Ubuntu packages, but that didn't change that Ubuntu
>is a debian derivative.
>Your stance above about derivative or not is completely unrelated
>(foolish) to what you would prove as a better alternative. It's just
>The rest you wrote prove your point a way better.

I never claimed that a derivative is bad per se. My argument always was
and still is, that Ubuntu provides an infrastructure that AFAIK isn't
provided by Mint. IMO the infrastructure provided by official Ubuntu
flavours is way better, than what is provided by Mint. I might be
mistaken, if so, somebody who knows better should chime in. I don't see
anything polemic in my replies. Apart of a few Ubuntu Wiki entries I
edited and being present on Ubuntu mailing lists, I'm not involved in
Ubuntu's infrastructure and I'm absolutely not emotionally biased,
since Ubuntu isn't the preferred distro of my choice. My (rational)
reasoning is based upon the facts I'm aware of. I might miss some
facts, if so, feel free to mention the facts pro Mint.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Feb 17 12:15:02 2019

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