Re: [LAU] Amp / speaker combo for Piano

From: Roger <gurusonic@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Mar 06 2019 - 15:01:41 EET

On 6/3/19 7:00 pm, wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Mar 2019 20:03:41 +0100, Gerhard Zintel wrote:
>> 500 Watts
> My guess is that you need a more than 150 W and less than 500 W PA or
> keyboard amp, while 500 Watt are not that way too much, that the
> speakers would sound less good, while used at relatively low levels.
> Regarding the PDF the CP12 are able to provide 126 dB. A short
> googling mentions that pain threshold is around 110 dB, just jets and
> the idiot's rock disco reach around 120 dB. Permanent hearing damage
> requires around 90 dB lasting noise.
> For such a "mini big band" I would test those CP12 or similar. I don't
> think you need to compare them with speakers that provide more Watt.
Numbers don't tell you how a speaker sounds. I recommend the QSC K10 or
K10.2 as they sound good, both at low and high levels. I imagine the
CP12 would sound OK too. Bear in mind that the published power rating
for these is peak power, not the standard RMS so 1,000W or 2,000W is not
actually that much. I have 2,000W peak power in my car!
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Received on Wed Mar 6 16:15:01 2019

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