Re: [LAU] JACK, Qjackctl, and ffado

From: Mac <macdroid53@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Apr 23 2019 - 20:41:27 EEST

On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 12:15 AM Len Ovens <len@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> On Sun, 21 Apr 2019, Mac wrote:
> > - I attempted to force things from the command line, but was
> unsuccessful.
> > In fact, I'm not sure I can even get Ubuntu Studo Controls to do nothing.
> If jack is stopped, none of the settings have any effect. Bridging can
> only happen if jack is running. If jack is stopped, none of the settings
> in ubuntustudio-controls have effect. Pulse is running using the system
> configuration. Bridging from pulse to jackd will still happen just because
> the bridge auto detect is there. In -controls that jackdetection module is
> removed so the bridge can be truned off.
> After much experimentation I am able, I think..., to run and setup a
jack/ffado session. I think the method is a bit draconian, but here's what
I do at this point.

- In Qjackctl I run the following script specified in the
Setup>Options>Execute script on Startup
jack_control stop
jack_control ds firewire dps capture none dps playback none
jack_control dps device AF12
jack_control dps rate 48000
jack_control dps nperiods 2
jack_control dps period 1024

- The Qjackctl script specified in Setup>Options>Execute script after
Startup then creates all the Calf, zita-lrx, and Pulse in/out nodes.
(Interestingly, the pulse nodes I make are used by, for example audio out
from a browser, but, I've not figured out how the system sounds get pointed
at the a Pulse device.
Also, pulse volume control still shows the alsa af12. (short of unloading
the alsa module this won't go away. And, when the alsa module is unloaded,
so goes the system sound slider in pavucontrol. And, when something like
Audacity starts, the Pulse ports the script creates get removed and
replaced. Then system sounds work.)

A side note, on this PC at least, any audio player, i.e Clementine, Payrole
Media Player have audio drop outs during play. A gstreamer issue maybe?
Apps like Internet DJ Console and Mixxx that use native JACK output work

> > - Ubuntu Studio Controls also has a problem with retaining the
> selections for
> > bridging, etc. If you check them off, then logout/login or reboot they
> are back
> > to default (checked). The last time I logged in and started Carla, there
> were 12
> Did you choose apply after (de)selecting them? (should the apply button be
> removed?) Remember that the pulse-jack bridge is enabled by default.
> On two different PC's I can find no way to get the Ubuntu Studio Controls
to retain my selections.

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Received on Wed Apr 24 00:15:01 2019

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