Re: [LAU] ALSA sequencer: buffered events (clearing them?)

From: Tim Goetze <tim@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Jan 27 2020 - 13:55:57 EET

[Jeanette C.]
> When I start a synth and play something or turn a knob and then connect it to
> another hardware synth, I often hear a burst of notes or find that some CC(s)
> have been sent.

same thing here, but only after booting the system. the first client
to connect to the h/w input devices is showered with a burst of
accumulated events. after that, everything's fine until the next
system boot.

has been like that for years but seemed too benign a problem to
bother. :)
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Jan 28 04:15:03 2020

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