[LAU] [Made with Linux] new Plagiat Video clip - Viktor Huguau en Francafrik

From: ORL <orl@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Mar 18 2020 - 17:53:37 EET

Hi all,

We just released a new video with Plagiat:


(for those who want only the audio, here it is:

It's our *genuine autotuned balla**d* piece, and it's supposed to have
been realized in live conditions (I let you bet...).

As always, only free softwares have been used. The list is given below.

For those who care, this video clip contains a microtonal version of
x42-fat autotuner, for the best reasons as you can experience at the end
of the tune!

Hope you enjoy, and all our apologies to Hollywood and to "Le cinéma" in

*List of softwares:*


- Debian

Video editing:

- kdenlive

- frei0r plugins

/Virtual instruments:/

- zynaddsubfx

/Mixing and mastering:/

- jackd + alsa + hdsptools

- ardour5

- calf plugins

- x42-fat autotune

- zita-reverb

- invada plugins

- C* scape delay

- bitrot tapestopand slicer

- swh plugins

- caps plugins

The audio source files can be found here:
The video source files will soon be uploaded.


AMMD - Freak & Free Arts Coo[r]p
www.ammd.net - 0962539719

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Received on Thu Mar 19 04:15:03 2020

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