Re: [LAU] Best collaboration software...

From: Peter P. <peterparker@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Apr 03 2020 - 11:20:27 EEST

* Lorenzo Sutton <> [2020-04-03 09:43]:
> On 03/04/20 03:36, worik wrote:
> > Given the current curfew has me unable to physically collaborate I am
> > looking for software for online collaboration.
> Really depends on what you define as 'collaboration', who you are wishing to
> interact with and how. There's a bunch of software / platforms / workflow
> but really depends on what your use case is :-)
> I also assume you mean for *musical* collaboration given the list?
> For instance with people I physically play with we often 'collaborate' also
> online in terms of (musical / song) idea sharing etc. In that case everyone
> uses their own local software set-up for music and then just exchange files
> with whatever online platform works for all...
> There are online platforms which offer to collaborate with people by
> allowing you to share tracks and improvise/add to them. That can be fun for
> practising and getting to know other musicians from all over the world.
> Platforms which claim to allow 'collaborative composition' exist, although I
> never tried them.
Reaper (which runs on Linux but is not FLOSS) has such a mode.
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Received on Sat Apr 4 04:15:01 2020

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