[LAU] soundcraft notepad mixers

From: <soffioalcuore@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Apr 08 2020 - 14:01:57 EEST

dear list members,

just a question: is there anybody else on the list using soundcraft
notepad mixers, especially notepad-5 and/or notepad-8fx, and would
provide some basic info in order to help Jim Ramsay, the author of
soundcraft-utils (https://github.com/lack/soundcraft-utils) to develop
the package?

I’m in touch with him and testing and giving some feedback for the
notepad-12fx. but since both of us have this device he can not go on to
adapt his code for the other two devices.

is there anybody owning a notepad 5 or 8fx?

have a good day!
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Apr 9 04:15:02 2020

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