[LAU] My isp and lau are... not friends

From: Atte André Jensen <atte@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Apr 10 2020 - 17:56:13 EEST


I'm having trouble with lau and the mail from my isp, lot's of messages
doesn't get through, now I've had it and want to fix this!

What mail do you use with lau, how do you access it (mail client/web), are
all messages (even you own) coming through?

I'm typing this from the nabble.com frontend, maybe I should just bite the
bullet and use this along with the growing number of forums that I'm
involved in?

Any advice highly appreciated!

In the hope that *this* message comes through :-)

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Received on Sat Apr 11 04:15:02 2020

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