Re: [LAU] Physical distance performance with Linux?

From: Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue May 05 2020 - 21:07:45 EEST

The one thing I remember about soundjack from the presentation at
tonmeistertage years ago was that inter-continental latencies are MUCH
worse than in-country, often to the point of not being very usable. This
isn't due to soundjack but the nature of routing across sub-ocean links
etc. Just something to be aware of if you're trying to connect and work
with people a *long* way away.

On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 11:07 AM Christoph Kuhr <christoph.kuhr@email-addr-hidden>

> Hi,
> we were just playing remote a few minutes ago. We used soundjack with a
> round trip time of 50ms and less, since we all live in cologne but our ISPs
> peer in Frankfurt. Thus, you should be able to achieve such latencies from
> everywhere inside germany. But I don't know about other countries.
> We are playing some hard rock stuff with tempo of 120 bpm and more. If you
> try to be in sync with each other, your tempo goes down. If you want to
> maintain the original tempo, everybody has to maintain their own tempo and
> play a litte before the time you hear your mates. Then everybody can hear
> their remote team mates in sync, only you yourself are too early.
> After some practice you get used to this...
> Best,
> Ck
> Am 05.05.20, 15:01 schrieb Giso Grimm <gg3137@email-addr-hidden>:
>> On 05.05.20 14:38, Mac wrote:
>> > In our current world situation I see a lot of videos, and in some cases
>> > live, performances by multiple musicians/vocalists in physically
>> > different locations.
>> >
>> > Some are obviously in a MacGyver setup in the closet, others are in
>> > rather tricked out home studios (like the one I just watched of the
>> > Doobie Brothers, where they all were in their own studio).
>> >
>> > Some are obvious compilations, video effects, etc. added. But, when
>> they
>> > are live how do they deal with delays and monitoring for the local
>> > performance (in the Doobie's one, there was some post processing, but,
>> > the duets seemed really tight, both instruments and vocals.)
>> >
>> > My question is, have any Linux folks had any experience setting this,
>> > with Linux tools obviously..., and how did you deal with delays and
>> > monitoring when live or (I assume when processed video is involved)
>> > monitoring and delay for multi-tracking from around the world?
>> There are several tools out, some of them open source based:
>> jacktrip (
>> soundjack (, closed source)
>> jamulus (
>> Just to name a few.
>> We developed our own system based on zita-njbridge and some self-written
>> network managing tools, which we use almost every day:
>> The delay which can be achieved (with all of the systems - the
>> underlying network is the most critical factor) will be in the order of
>> 30-80 ms between musicians (one way). 30-50 ms feels more or less ok, if
>> it is more you need to play actively before the time.
>> Best,
>> Giso
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Mac
>> >
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