Re: [LAU] How to prevent applications from changing my mic level?

From: S. <sb56637@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed May 06 2020 - 20:26:14 EEST

Len Ovens wrote
> If you only have one user
> on the system, copying the file from:
> /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/analog-input-internal-mic.conf
> to:
> ~/.local/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/analog-input-internal-mic.conf

Hmm that's in interesting idea, thanks. As of yet I don't have a
~/.local/share/pulseaudio directory, only ~/.config/pulse . I wasn't aware
that it would take override configs from ~/.local/share/* by just mirroring
the directory structure.

I'd also be interested in seeing your ALSA - JACK - PulseAudio bridge
configuration for my other audio workstation. I currently configure it with
Cadence, but I do indeed have occasional xruns, maybe something could be

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