Re: [LAU] How to prevent applications from changing my mic level?

From: Bill Purvis <bill@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu May 07 2020 - 17:07:07 EEST

On 07/05/2020 13:59, S. wrote:
> Bill Purvis wrote
>> it doesn't switch to the internal speakers if I unplug it. I think ALSA
>> used to do that automatically.
> Possibly in `alsamixer`, then F6, select the card, and then make sure the
> "Auto Mute" options are enabled?
I don't rate that as automatic. I can't confirm but I think it used to do it
before I switched to Jack a good while back. Pull out the plug and the
take over and vice versa.

On the other hand I could be wrong...  ;-(


| Bill Purvis                            |
| email:                  |
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Received on Fri May 8 04:15:02 2020

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