Re: [LAU] Echo Audiofire12 units available

From: Bob Andres <bob@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jun 07 2020 - 19:36:13 EEST

I also have a couple of audiofire8 interfaces if anyone wants them. Nice
units but I’ve moved on. I had them linked to get 16 channels.

Don’t really want money for them — just cover shipping costs and some beer
money as an incentive.

PM me if interested.

Sorry if I hijacked this thread.


On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 10:51 AM Mac <macdroid53@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> Interesting.
> My comment about the Apple/Protools was my assumption based on little
> research. I avoid Apple products completely now that I'm out of the
> corporate completely ignore. So thanks for the info.
> But, I use Ubuntu Studio. In 20.04 they have basically dropped support for
> things like ffado.
> I've gone round and round trying to get the FW cards to work in 18.x and
> 19.x.
> It is hard to find interface boards for FW, let alone the ones with TI
> chipsets that work correctly.
> So, I've kinda given up trying...especially since I don't really need them
> for what I do anymore.
> Maybe they work better with alsa. But, last I tried that didn't seem to
> play nice and I don't know of a low level control interface (like
> ffado-mixer) to configure them.
> Admittedly, after fussing with them for a month or so last year, I just
> haven't looked at them since.
> Mac
> On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 10:33 AM Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden>
> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 6:27 AM Mac <macdroid53@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> >
>> > If this is not allowed, board ops please feel free to remove.
>> >
>> > I'm guessing, since firewire support in Linux is moving into the
>> sunset, that this may be of more interest to the Apple/Protools people.
>> But, Linux is my focus, so I figured I'd offer here in case there are still
>> some Linux holdouts. ;)
>> You have this backwards.
>> It was Apple that announced no more firewire interfaces on their
>> hardware. There is no active development of firewire support for macOS
>> whatsoever. It was Apple that basically shut down any future for
>> firewire by announcing their complete abandonment of it. Nobody makes
>> new firewire audio interfaces now, and that's entirely at Apple's
>> feet.
>> On Linux, where the support for firewire audio interfaces has been a
>> bit patchy, things are actually slowly improving, and you will
>> continue to be able to use firewire audio interfaces on this platform
>> for as long as you wish.
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