Re: [LAU] Reverse-engineering MIDI software

From: Daniel Appelt <daniel.appelt@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Jun 23 2020 - 09:17:03 EEST

Hi Caelia!

Am Di., 23. Juni 2020 um 07:50 Uhr schrieb Caelia Chapin <crc@email-addr-hidden>:

> On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 11:41 PM David W. Jones <gnome@email-addr-hidden>
> wrote:
>> Would Arturia's MIDI Control Center run under WINE?
> No idea. I don't use WINE, as I have had nothing but horrible experiences
> with it in the past.
> But in any case, I do not want to use either a VM or WINE on a regular
> basis; I want to find out what MIDI messages the Control Center app sends,
> so I can perform its functions under Linux.

I was using a regular Windows machine using USBPcap and Wireshark to do a
similar job. I put down some notes on how to capture the raw data in this

Wireshark has a filter for sysex messages which is very useful in analyzing
the captured data.

Apart from that the sysex specification (also reverse engineered ) for the
Arturia Beatstep might be of interest to you:

All the best,

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed Jun 24 04:15:02 2020

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