Re: [LAU] Ambisonics microphone for Linux

From: Moshe Werner <moshwe@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Jun 25 2020 - 16:02:08 EEST

Hi there,

regarding quality of Zoom products, I can say that I used their lower end
series products (h4 & h5) for field recording, they are not great.
Lots of self noise...
Now I'm using SoundDevices lower end Mixpre. It is a great recorder.

Best of luck with your endeavors...


On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 12:39 AM Michael Jarosch <riotsound@email-addr-hidden>

> Hi!
> I'm looking for a ambisonics recording option for a theater project. I
> would rent a microphone but it's my first ambisonics-project and I would
> feel save if I can repeat a recording any time I want. These points are
> on my list:
> * First order ambisonics (guess, I can't afford anything else)
> * not tooooo expensive (well, as cheap as it can be for an acceptable
> quality)
> * works with linux (I'm not learning another OS for that!)
> Guess I haven't so much variety to choose from…
> The microphones I know are:
> * Sennheiser Ambeo VR Mic
> * Zoom H3-VR
> * Sound-Core Tetramic
> The price for the Zoom is really pretty as there is also a mobile (!)
> recorder coming with it, but I haven't heard any statement from anyone
> if it's usable with linux. Same is true for the Sennheiser. And it's
> expensive. But maybe they're selling lots of units as the manufacturer
> is well known for its decent quality and I can get a good price on the
> second hand market.
> So, there's the Tetramic left. I know, there are Linux tools for it,
> which are just working. But I don't know, where to buy it in germany…
> Maybe Fons' TetraProc can also be used with other microphones? If yes:
> Any suggestions for another mic?
> Greets!
> Mitsch
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