[LAU] starting Bristol with scala

From: tom haddington <meshugga42@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Sep 04 2020 - 16:58:36 EEST

> No idea why it adds the suffix, in such a situation I'd try and pass just
> the basename of the scl file like this:
> startBristol -b3 -scala ji_12
Thank you for the response, Edgar. Unfortunately, it didn't work. Oh, and
I pointed to the file, again, and it's no longer adding the suffix.

I've attached the output from bristol. It looks as though the program is
doing everything it should. It recognises all the relevant information and
even calls the scala by its correct name. All I hear is ET.

Thank you, again, Edgar.

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Received on Sat Sep 5 04:15:02 2020

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