I've just upload a little video showing the live looping feature of
Mamba (git version) in action:
Am 06.09.20 um 05:46 schrieb Hermann Meyer:
> Hi
> Mamba release v1.4 is out
> Mamba - Virtual MIDI keyboard and MIDI file player/recorder
> Mamba is not only a Virtual MIDI keyboard, it's also a MIDI looper. It
> allow you to record, for example a bass loop on one channel and then
> play along on a other channel with a piano or whatever.
> You could save your loops to MIDI files if you wish, in any case,
> Mamba save your last record and load it on the next start on default.
> Mamba is also a MIDI visualizer, it shows not only what you play, it
> shows as well incoming events. It also allow you to load MIDI files,
> play them in loop and show the output on the keyboard. You could
> select which channel you would monitor on the keyboard. You could as
> well monitor all channels at once.
> Mamba includes also support by fluidsynth, you could load a soundfont
> and directly play along.
> Mamba will keep it's settings, so once a soundfont is loaded, on the
> next start you could just play along with the keyboard. You could load
> a new soundfont at any time. You could as well exit fluidsynth to use
> Mamba as plain Virtual MIDI keyboard with the synth of your choice.
> Mamba is released under the BSD Zero Clause License license
> The GUI is build on libxputty - A damn tiny abstraction Layer to
> create X11 window/widgets with cairo surfaces
> https://github.com/brummer10/libxputty
> To build Mamba from source, the following dependencies must be meat.
> * libfluidsynth-dev
> * libc6-dev
> * libsmf-dev
> * libcairo2-dev
> * libx11-dev
> * liblo-dev
> * libsigc++-2.0-dev
> * libjack-(jackd2)-dev
> So, here is the project page:
> https://github.com/brummer10/Mamba
> and here you'll find the last release:
> https://github.com/brummer10/Mamba/releases/tag/v1.4
> Mamba features
> # Virtual Midi Keyboard for Jack Audio Connection Kit
> <https://jackaudio.org/>
> # Including NSM <https://linuxaudio.github.io/new-session-manager/> support
> # Including gettext <https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/> localization
> support
> # Including fluidsynth <https://github.com/FluidSynth/fluidsynth> support
> # Soundfont loader for fluidsynth
> # Channel selector
> # Bank and Program selector
> # Keyboard mapping for qwertz, qwerty, azerty(fr) and azerty(be)
> selectable from menu
> # Keymap Editor to setup a custom Keymap
> # PC Keyboard mapping selector from C0 to C4
> # Pitchbend, Balance, Modwheel, Detune, Expression, Attack, Release,
> Volume and Velocity controllers
> # Sustain and Sostenuto switches
> # Connection management Menu
> # Support Midi-file load, save, record and play in loop
> # BPM controller for playback speed
> # Support Midi Beat Clock for playback speed
> # Midi Through: forward midi input to output
> # Midi input highlighting
> # Resizable to a full range 127 key view
> # Load Midi-files on command-line
> # Support jack_transport to start/stop Midi-Loops
> regards
> hermann
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