On Sun, 20 Sep 2020, Jeanette C. wrote:
> Sep 20 2020, Nikhil Nair has written:
> ...
>> [Csound] I'll assume, unless
>> someone tells me otherwise, that, if I have questions on that as I move
>> forward, those would be better addressed to the Csound users list.
> ...
> You can ask questions here, but on the Csound mailinglist you'll have a
> much greater chance of getting more detailed answers and there are the
> developers too. All in all, I found it a very helpful and kind place to
> be, welcoming new users as well as the initiates of the arcane arts. :)
Thanks Jeanette - that's helpful to know.
I suspect, at some point, I'm going to end up looking for a freelancer or a
software company experienced in Csound, for a small commercial project
(might just be a few hours' work). I had a quick look around to see how
easy such a person/company would be to find, but my first impression was
that they're very thin on the ground - or else they're hiding ;). Would
the Csound users list be a good place to look for that - or, indeed, this
list? If there are other good options too, I'd really appreciate someone
letting me know. (I did look on Upwork, but there was a grand total of 3
freelancers who mentioned Csound in their profiles there!)
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Sep 22 04:15:01 2020
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