Re: [LAU] [music] concert played live from different locations

From: Fons Adriaensen <fons@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Mar 28 2021 - 12:28:48 EEST

Hello Giso,
> tonight (March 26th 2021, 7pm CET) we will play a concert with five
> musicians at four different locations, using our ovbox system.

I really enjoyed the concert very much, many thanks !

Reading the ovbox documentation on Github it's not clear to me how
it really works - how the audio is routed. You mention both STUN and
TURN servers which suggest different topologies.

In my days in broadcasting (long ago), a multi-location concert
would be done as

- Each participant send his contribution to a central studio.
- The studio provides a separate mix for each location (usually
  just an N-1 of the master mix) and sends this back.

So this requires a bidirectinal linkg between each participant and
the studio, and there are no direct connections between the different

The other way would be to have direct audio streams between all
participants, and each makes his own mix. This provides less latency
but doesn't scale linearly. Since you provide head-tracking, I suspect
this is how ovbox works ?


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Received on Mon Mar 29 04:15:02 2021

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