Re: [LAU] Open Sound Control: Is it still a thing?

From: Winfried Ritsch <ritsch@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun May 02 2021 - 22:37:36 EEST

> >but like OSC, it has no semantics at all, and unlike OSC, "zero syntax".
> >that means that the semantics are defined by the patching, and nothing
> >else. This is not possible for digital signals., because at the very least
> >they all have syntax, and most of them have semantics too.
> From my point of view, the greatest weakness of OSC is that (as far as I can
> tell) it has no default set of common controls, so everything has to start
> from scratch - both ends.
This brings up a question:
Since OSC is a synthax format nothing more, there have been a list of
implementation on the somewhere like TUIO [1],
now sadly gone.

So mostly I looked at those to see if I have to invent my own Protocol using
OSC and it is not findable for me.

Is there any compilation of OSC Protocols like TUIO or for Mixer... ?

This would be helpful.

mfg winfried


- ao.Univ.Prof. DI Winfried Ritsch 
- -
- Institut fuer Elektronische Musik und Akustik
- University of Music and Dramatic Art Graz
- Tel. ++43-316-389-3510 (3170) Fax ++43-316-389-3171 
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