Subject: [linux-audio-announce] Announcing a new audio distro: L.A.W. v1.0 released!
From: jacob robbins (
Date: Mon May 19 2003 - 19:30:20 EEST
A new Linux audio distro has been released:
L.A.W. means the Linux Audio Workstation distro.
Version 1.0 has now been released at
The L.A.W. distro is geared towards people who are new to the Unix
operating system. However, it is made up of utility shell scripts which
should be useful for just about anybody maintaining a Linux system for
audio. In particular, if you are going to setup audio workstations for
other people to use, you may want to consider adding your work onto the
L.A.W. distro, which is soon to be cvs'd at sourceforge as law-distro.
The L.A.W. distro believes in the principles of the Unix philosophy. As
such, it is self-documented, simple, and consists mainly of shell
The L.A.W. distro does the following, all from source: lowlat & preempt
patched kernel (reference version is 2.4.20), ALSA (ref 0.9.1), probe
for local soundcard using ALSA drivers, WindowMaker, Eterm, xfm with
modifications for audio files, local copy of L.A.W. user docs & scripts.
The audio packages installed are: dcd,grip,sweep,xsox,gcombust. This is
the core set of audio packages.
Currently, the L.A.W. distro has only been tested on RedHat 7.2. The
next base distro to be supported will be Debian.
Go to and check it out!!!
-jacob robbins.....
linux-audio-announce mailing list
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