[linux-audio-announce] [ANN] jack_capture V0.2.4

From: Kjetil S. Matheussen <kjetil@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Jun 21 2006 - 02:40:38 EEST

jack_capture is a small program to capture whatever
sound is going out to your speakers into a file without
every having to patch jack connections, fiddle around with
fileformats, or set options on the argument line.

This is the program I always wanted to have for jack, but no
one made. So here it is.


Changes 0.2.3 -> 0.2.4:
  *Give message to stderr during recording (not only after) if any overruns
  *Do not delete file after recording if any overruns have occured. (stupid
   jackreq code #$!@$)
  *Increased default buffer size from 0.5M to 2M.

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Received on Fri Jun 23 00:15:20 2006

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