[LAA] MMA 1.5 Released

From: Bob van der Poel <bob@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jul 19 2009 - 00:35:08 EEST

Version 1.5 of MMA - Musical MIDI Accompaniment - is now
available for downloading. Included in this release:

 - MIDINOTE command set for SMF includes,

 - -B/b command line options for partial compilations and playback,

 - Enhanced groove HTML documentation,

 - Debian package added to download section,

 - Path and filename enhancements to make running on Windows platforms

 - lots of bug fixes and library additions. Read the complete change log
   in the distro: CHANGES-1.4.

MMA is a accompaniment generator -- it creates midi tracks
for a soloist to perform with. User supplied files contain
pattern selections, chords, and MMA directives. For full details
please visit:


If you have any questions or comments, please send
them to: bob@email-addr-hidden

**** Listen to my CD at http://www.mellowood.ca/music/cedars ****
Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA **
EMAIL: bob@email-addr-hidden
WWW:   http://www.mellowood.ca

Linux-audio-announce mailing list
Received on Sun Jul 19 16:15:02 2009

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