guitarix is a simple Linux Rock Guitar amplifier and is designed
to achieve nice thrash/metal/rock/blues guitar sounds.
Guitarix uses the Jack Audio Connection Kit as its audio backend
and brings in one input and two output ports to the jack graph.
Release 0.05.0-1 comes with some major changes:
* Completely new source structure by James
* add keyboard shortcuts
* improved skin handling
* add logging window
* improved preset handling
* add middle tone control
* reworked audio engine
* add bypass mode
* add engine state widget
Please read the README for more details regarding the new options.
have fun
The standalone version of guitarix is based on GTK2+.
But guitarix is also released as a suite of LADSPA plugins
and can be used in e.g. ardour.
guitarix is licensed under the GPL.
Project page with screenshots:
For capture, guitarix uses the external application
'jack_capture' (version >= 0.9.30) written by Kjetil
S. Matheussen. If you don't have it installed,
you can look here:
For extra Impulse Responses, guitarix uses the
convolution application 'jconv' created by Fons Adriaensen.
If you don't have it installed, you can look here:
I(hermann) use faust to build the prototype and will say
thanks to
: Julius Smith
: Albert Graef
: Yann Orlary
guitarix-dev team: Hermann Meyer & James Warden
Linux-audio-announce mailing list
Received on Tue Jul 28 00:15:05 2009
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