[LAA] LAC'14 program announcement

From: Robin Gareus <robin@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 31 2014 - 20:26:54 EEST

Hi all,

We're excited about the upcoming Linux Audio Conference, featuring a
tightly packed diverse schedule with 77 events by over 100 persons!

The conference schedule has just been published at

Apart from presentations, there are workshops, a poster-session and five
concerts in 3 days. The 4th day of the conference is dedicated to an
excursion: http://lac.linuxaudio.org/2014/excursion a simple overview of
the complete schedule can be found in the printable version of the program.

If you want to attend and have not yet done so, please register at

Looking forward to seeing you all in May at the ZKM.

yours truly,
robin - LAC'14 team
Linux-audio-announce mailing list
Received on Tue Apr 1 00:15:02 2014

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