Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Newby(t)e
From: cafu (
Date: ma marras 22 1999 - 18:11:31 EST
hi all.
I'm new to this list, and, after a couple of weeks of lurking I'm ready
for a couple of questions...
ready, set, go!
BTW (sorry for my english, but, you can see... i'm from Italia...)
1) were can I find FAQ for this list?
2) Since I'm starting a new project in C, i wanted to know wich type are
best suited for audio DSP under linux ... longint, float ??? wich one do
U use for your project???
3) I'm gonna to implement a DirecX-like plugins system on a Audio App...
is already something like this out there ?? I haven't still see
anything but if I'm really the first one thinking about it.... i would
really need your help...
let me know
few notes 'bout me:
I live in milano, Italy
Student of Telecomunications Ing. at Politecnico di Milano
Now working at Telecom Italia (always looking for a better job ;) )
In my free time I play with my Linuxstation (RH 6.1 on a 200MMX 64MB
soon will become a dualCelly_AT_550 with 160 Meg)
-- ----------------------------+ scafuz! [ň-ň] Pensavo... č bello che dove +----------------ooO- v -Ooo-+ finiscono le mie dita debba in qualche (;) | modo cominciare una chitarra ( Andrč) |
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