Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Searching for ...
From: Alex Burton (
Date: ma marras 29 1999 - 13:02:21 EST
Try this:
all the software (pd/gem) is "free" and open-source, but am not sure about
the actual copyrights.
At 6:42 PM +0100 11/29/99, Maurizio DE CECCO wrote:
>Sorry for this slightly off-topic question, but i think
>these lists are the places where it is more likely to find
>an answer.
>I am looking for some artists, doing some kind of audio-visual
>plastic/installation work, using a complete free software platform.
>The ideal case would be some kind of work where there is a tight
>integration between the creation itself and the free software
>developer community, and a highly visual component of some kind.
>Thanks for any help you can give,
> Maurizio
>Maurizio De Cecco
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