Re: [linux-audio-dev] SCHED_FIFO machine stalls

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] SCHED_FIFO machine stalls
From: Alexander K�nig (
Date: pe joulu� 10 1999 - 16:01:55 EST

maarten de boer wrote:
> Great program BTW.

Thanks :) Stay tuned for the next release... IMHO it's way better (Well
I guess that's what everybody says when they're trying to improve
something ;)

[SCHED_FIFO + prio -20]
> Yeah, that seems redundant to me.
> In my opinion it is not be necesairy at all to change the
> priority of the GUI thread. The audio thread had SCHED_FIFO
> priority and thus goes first.

Yeah right, it was just for testing... I'll remove it. As the thread is
no longer in SCHED_OTHER the scheduler doesn't even care about the
normal process prio, right?

> Yeah, GTK might not be the ideal choice in this case.
> I'd say that for such a dedicated task where performance
> is a main issue FLTK is a better choice.

Well, i'm pretty happy with gtk. The "speed-problem" is the
pixmapped-themes - but damn it - they definitely suit (IMHO of course)
audio progs ;) I've been waiting for a gtk-theme-engine that paints
gradients on the fly instead of stretching pixmap-gradients - from what
I know about windowmaker and blackbox that's faster and would proabably
even look better - but it seems nobody wants to code it - Or does
anybody know about such a project as gtk-gradient-engine btw?

> I'd say that especially for terminatorX you *do* want the
> GUI to have decent speed, at least the mouse-event handling.
> Maybe you need a seperate thread for the mouse-events, but
> maybe this complicates things too much...

Well on my machine plain gtk works pretty good - the widgets that need
speedy updateing are those I've written myself (the wavdisplay and the
new "level-meter") and as they're not standard they're not modified by
themes... Oh and the mouse input stuff happens in the audio-thread with
direct XFree-DGA mouse grabbing - no unnecessary latencies here ;)

> > audio-thread anymore (Although I still get rare audio-dropouts (no
> > matter whether the GUI-thread is busy or not)). But: running as root (==
> You should apply the low-latency patch, this should solve that
> problem.

Yeah well the machine stalling is the bigger problem currently :( But my
next Kernel will have that patch applied.

> Are you sure you don't have a bug in the audio processing code?

Well I'm not sure but there are no deadlocks without SCHED_FIFO so... On
the other hand the problem occurs not very often so it may occur without
SCHED_FIFO too - I just dont know

> Good luck, indeed a PITA to debug...



                            Alexander K�nig -

[From the Homer Quotables:] I didn't want a hokey second wedding like those ones on TV! This one's for real!

-- Homer Simpson A Milhouse Divided

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