Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Silly audio problem
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: ma joulu 13 1999 - 23:43:37 EST
> Update: I went up as close as I could to 20ms for the buffer size, and it
>didn't help. It's soo strange, the audio just shifts between sounding find an
>sounding crappy.
> It also seems to kinda be related to disk activity- however I think this
>assumption is bogus, since if I use 'wavr' to record audio using the same
>parameters (16bit, 8k, mono), it doesn't experience the same crapness.
check your code *very* carefully. on at least 3 occasions i have had
this kind of thing happen, only to later discover that there was a bug
in my code that only revealed itself at certain buffer sizes/sample
rate values/sample bit sizes.
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