Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Multitrack recorder for Fiji
From: Ben Crowder (
Date: ma joulu 27 1999 - 15:57:11 EST
On Mon, 27 Dec 1999, Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
> I recently installed new Linux and Alsa drivers. I would like to know
> a few "must have" programs which I should install. Anyone?
> I have now these:
> arecord -for simple recording
> shmrec -my own simple recorder (hey, it _is_ reliable! :-)
> mpg123 -mp3 player
> lame -mp3 encoder
Personally, I use krecord for recording and snd for any editing. (Though
snd is a bit hard to learn how to use.) One thing I've been wondering is
if there's anything that can do basic noise reduction. (For Linux, of
course.) Does anyone know anything about this?
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