Subject: [linux-audio-dev] [OT] DOSemu, anyone ??
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: pe tammi 07 2000 - 12:43:34 EST
I'm suffering from some wierdness (non-organic) regarding DOSemu. In
the past I was able to run M/pc, the MS-DOS version (from Voyetra) of
David Ziccarelli's famous M, in the emulator. I had a serial mouse then.
Now, when I try running it the mouse pointer appears but is unresponsive
(it's now a PS/2 style rodent). I'm unhappy: M/pc is very cool, and I
would like to get it back. I've tried a variety of settings in the
dosemu.conf file, but nothing seems to work.
I have dosemu 0.98.6 and kernel 2.0.36. My pointer settings in
dosemu.conf are as follows:
$_mouse = "ps2"
$_mouse_dev = "/dev/mouse"
$_mouse_flags = "emulate3buttons"
$_mouse_baud = (0)
I've enabled/disabled gpm with various settings to no avail. Other
apps requiring the mouse (Drummer, for instance) work fine.
I'm posting to LAD because there are more smarts here per square inch
of message than anywhere else I've looked. Anyone have any helpful
advice ??
== Dave Phillips
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