Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] News about sequencers (not my own though!)
From: Paul Winkler (
Date: su tammi� 23 2000 - 18:36:04 EST
jfm3 wrote:
> A final thought for this already too long letter. Doing anything "real time" in
> Python or any other interpreted language is probably a lose in the long run.
I'm not surprised to hear this. But I want to provide for the
capability so even if it's not fast enough for many tasks, at least
it won't be impossible to do anything.
One idea I have to help with this, though it's probably too big of a
project for me, is to set up a make-like project management system
in pysco.
Suppose you're doing a composition that involves a mixture of MIDI
synthesis and scores for csound and Tao (another soft-synth). You
could have pysco create the soft-synth scores and render soundfiles
from them, probably breaking them up into short sections.
The MIDI output would be rendered into one or more midifiles. Then
the next time you want to play this composition, pysco calls an
automatically-generated mixer in csound or whatever you want to use
for mixing, to play the soundfile output, while simultaneously
playing the midifile (uh-oh, synchronization trouble... maybe we'd
need to use csound for midi output also... or maybe I need to learn
how ALSA works, perhaps the ALSA sequencer would help?).
Assuming that works, pysco could be made to keep track of what
changes you make and only re-render those parts when needed, much
like make does, and for the same reason: to save the time of doing
big jobs that haven't changed since last time you did them. This
would reduce the CPU usage of the csound part of the job, and reduce
the amount of number-crunching pysco would have to do since it would
have many fewer events to think about.
Of course, if you're designing an algorithmic system that you want
to behave differently each time you hear it, none of the above would
be very useful.
-- ................ paul winkler .................. slinkP arts: music, sound, illustration, design, etc. A member of ARMS -----> or or personal page ---->
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