Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] BeOS everywhere
From: David Olofson (
Date: ke tammi 26 2000 - 22:27:12 EST
On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Constantin Lazarev wrote:
> performed with script too). But why entire kernel?
You shouldn't have to... All you need is a kernel with module
support, and no compiled-in drivers that conflict with your new
> Another issue is that someone from Linux community says to hardware vendors
> that "we need no your close-source drivers at all just give us documentation
> for your device". I understand that may me the community is able to support
> whole variety of hardware (though, I'm not sure). But have not to forget
> that sometimes (almost any time) it is not possible for hardware
> manufacturer to open hardware documentation or driver source code due to
> some know-how and licensed solutions that may be used in that hardware.
OTOH, not all users want to risk money by investing in hardware that
might be rendered useless by a whim of the vendor... I certainly will
*never again* buy a pro audio card w/o sufficient programming specs
freely available. Period.
> I think that it is not possible to make Linux one of most popular OS for
> hardware manufactures and, therefore, consumers without solution of these
> issues.
I see your point and agree to some extent - but is Linux really meant
for the *users*, or those who want to make a profit by selling stuff
to the users?
Lots of hardware is cool, and if people want to risk money on stuff
that might be rendered useless because the binary-only parts of the
drivers won't work with the new kernel they want to use - fine, it's
their choice, and it might not be a big deal for them.
However, I think Linux should remain a kernel that you know you can
always get to work one way or another. That is, showing that it's
ok to release binary-only drivers is a Bad Thing(tm), and might
undermine this important advantage GNU/Linux has over most other
Sure, Linux will alway be Free - but what good is that when you
start to depend on non-Free drivers!? That would be a very scary
development, IMHO...
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.- D a v i d O l o f s o n ------------------------------------------.
| Audio Hacker, Linux Advocate, Open Source Advocate, Singer/Composer |
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