Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] BeOS nowhere, Linux emerging
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: ke tammi 26 2000 - 22:08:42 EST
>> (Logic) is being ported to BeOS now. Some ports of pro audio
>> software (e.g. Steinberg Nuendo), have been canceled or put on hold
>> because of Be Inc's new "internet strategy".
>(We'd better work harder then; we're the only hope! ;-)
it will be very interesting to see what Steinberg do. SGI themselves
are not exactly losing the race to embrace Linux (XFS, and today open
source for OpenGL), and IRIX was the original *nix platform target for
Nuendo. It can't be too far from Steinberg's minds that Linux is the
way to go.
of course, i would much rather have open-source apps and API's, but i
have to say that if they released nuendo (or cubase, but that seems
less likely) next month for linux, it seems likely to me that they
could save us a lot of work :) i could get back to making music, for
example, instead of writing audio software :) nah. just kidding.
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