Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] "pro" soundfile editors for linux
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: ma helmi 07 2000 - 13:14:08 EST
>Brings up an interesting point -- do track names have to be
>numbered? It's fun and nice to be able to name things, but I don't
>know if this is best done in the filename or in the front end. It
>could always default to numbers if the user provides no name.
>e.g. "guitar-slinky-OD1.whatever"
with 26 tracks on the screen, there is no possible room to display
track names while recording. renaming could and should be done
later. in ardour, we forget about tracks corresponding to particular
things until the "tape" is finished. just because "guitar-slinky-OD1"
ended up on track 1 (i.e. in file 0.0, or something like that) doesn't
mean thats where it will end up at the end of the "day". only when the
recording is finished can you say definitively "track 9 has the
hammond b3". i suppose you could move the name if you move the data,
but hey, thats what CVS is for - *you* hack it! :)
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