Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Software filter engines for high end audio and now DSP's
From: Fredrik (
Date: ke helmi� 16 2000 - 07:37:06 EST
> I am not sure that I agree with him, but for the time being, you
> should know that if you are also developing GPL-ed software, you can
> use the ideas from RTLinux very easily. If you are not writing GPL-ed
> software ... well, thats another story and another can of worms.
I know. That's what i meant with "taking the GPL to another level". It's not
only code, it's the ideas behind the code. I don't believe the GPL is the
only true license, and it's very unfortunate that this happened. But the
blame is mainly with the patoff.
I should add that he has said he is prepared to discuss the matter for other
DFSG-compliant licenses. I don't know patent law, but can he control who can
used the patented technique, regardless of license agreements? If he says
yes to a RT-BSD, and someone makes a proprietary product based on it (which
is OK according to the license) can he just say no?
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