Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Audio engine stuff
From: Benno Senoner (
Date: to helmi 17 2000 - 14:20:38 EST
On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
> >From: Benno Senoner <>
> >
> >> What is a lock-free ringbuffer?
> >
> >lock-free : you read and maniplulate the buffer pointers
> My shmrec works like this and uses SIGSTOP and SIGCONT.
> If disk thread applies SIGSTOP to itself, A/D process sends SIGCONT
> to it when there is enough data.
> Can this be done more better than with kill() and those above signals?
> I'm using signals because I don't want to spend semaphores or such IPC
> resources. For example, bplay/brec spends about all semaphores to
> quard multiple buffers which forms the whole buffer system.
> JuhanaMy experience says , that for a disk buffer thread, it's not very
important if you get not woken up very fast, since the real slow operations
are the disk I/O calls read() , write() mmap().
Therefore I prefer to check if there is space left to refll in the buffer,
otherwise I sleep 50ms or so.
I think sending SIGSTOP and SIGCONT is waay overkill ,
checking the number of samples and calling usleep() is way simpler.
And the pratical performance you get is about the same in both cases.
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