Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] join LAD! (fwd)
From: maarten de boer (
Date: to helmi 24 2000 - 05:25:08 EST
pbd wrote:
> yes, i would love it if it turned out that Quasimodo was a good enough
> general purpose flow library (and don't forget - it *is* already a
> library) for everyone to use. but i am not this naive. quasimodo does
> not currently support sample accurate processing - if `tapiir' had
> been written using Quasimodo, it would not work at all. should maarten
> have hacked quasimodo so that it did do this, or was it a perfectly
> reasonable and pragmatic decision to do without a library, and just do
> what he needed himself ?
Well, tapiir is a special case. Indeed it could not have been written with
Quasimodo by combining several tap delay objects and mixer object, but the
alternative solution, to put the complete tapiir (all the tap delays and
mixers) in 1 quasimodo object, with input for control and audio I/O would
have been feasable. But the main thing is that tapiir is a very dedicated
standalone application, and using a full library like quasimodo would have
been overkill. On the other hand, quasimodo does contain a lot of features that
would have been useful for tapiir. Using quasimodo would have saved me the
trouble of now modifying tapiir to work with ALSA pcm v2. Maybe having several
smaller libraries than one big one is a good idea, and I believe quasimodo has
a lot of that in it already.
BTW, I should confess, that it has not been a "perfectly reasonable and
pragmatic decision", but rather that I got inspired on a sunday morning and
starting coding into the blue, without much preparation or thinking :-)
An approach that seems to work rather well for a dedicated standalone app,
but that certainly fails for larger scale libraries!
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