Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Software filter engines for high end audio and now DSP's
From: Jussi Laako (
Date: to helmi� 24 2000 - 09:33:32 EST
Anders Torger wrote:
> By the way, has anyone tried clustering machines (preferrably Linux
> boxes) to do real time audio processing? I'm especially interested in FIR
> filters with more than 15000 taps. It must be a problem to keep latency
I have not done much testing yet, but real-soon-now (whatever "soon" means).
My passive sonar signal analysis system ( does a
lot of heavy DSP work and it easily consumes all the CPU power you can throw
for it. So clustering is kind of must for larger systems. It's not really
same kind of realtime audio software than the one you are speaking about,
but anyway it does realtime audio processing. I'll post experiences on this
How would you parallelize the FIR work? Distribute channels to nodes?
I believe switched gigabit ethernet would help to keep latencies low.
There is also a little DSP performance test program downloadable. (And some
interesting results)
- Jussi Laako
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