Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Archives?
From: John Littler (
Date: ke maalis 08 2000 - 07:15:29 EST
Juhana Sadeharju spake thusly<>:
> Is LAD archive? New people comes in and the LAD page doesn't mention
> any archives. And so many good debates they are missing...
> Is it pointless to post "antipatents" to a mailing list which is not
> even archived? ^^^^^^^
> bwahaaha!! got the word even to this mail!!
heh heh
Someone mentioned (I think)
last time this came up. It looks quite OK to me.
Did the idea get dropped last time because there are
objections to an archive? Personally I think it's a great
idea but I don't feel that it's right to just go off and
do it (which, with pretty much just consists
of subscribing them to the list.)
Thoughts? votes to the contrary?
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