Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] MIDI reset?
From: Paul Winkler (
Date: su marras 14 1999 - 05:32:37 EST wrote:
> Have you tried adding note-offs?
Yes, doesn't seem to help.
Am I correct in understanding that a note-off looks just like a
note-on, except you subtract 16 from the channel number? (e.g. 0x99
becomes 0x89)
> > I've tried writing a "reset" (first byte is 0xFF) to the soundcard,
> > but that doesn't seem to help. I'm not sure if anything is getting
> > through. The only solution at the moment is to reboot-- yuck.
> Yuck indeed. There are some other messages you could try ("stop",
> "all sound off", "all notes off"), but the standard is pretty
> insistent that none of them is a substitute for note-offs. Still,
> they might be worth a try.
Hm, I'll have a look at the midi spec and see what those are...
> Eric
-- ................ paul winkler .................. slinkP arts: music, sound, illustration, design, etc. A member of ARMS -----> or or personal page ---->
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