Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] hyper shamanic loop constructing
From: Billy Biggs (vektor_AT_DIV8.NET)
Date: su marras 14 1999 - 11:39:15 EST
> clearly, this is heading toward acid territory, but for now, i would
> like to be able to just do the loop real time loop creation. it seems
> like a simple program to write, so if nobody has a lead to follow, off
> i go again ...
You can take a look at thud, The web page is
getting very stale, and I still haven't released the new version (with
lots of fixes), but it's the beginnings of what you're looking for.
Like, it says it's a drum machine, but really the point is to make a
loop (usually a drum loop, but whatever), and export it to WAV file. ttrk
is my sequencer which is also supposed to be an ACID clone. At least,
that's the final intent.
You want to see record functions, obviously, but what other sort of
features do you see important in a 'hyper shamanic loop construction' kit?
-- Billy Biggs
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